Get Hands On at Hope Ranch
Volunteers are essential to the program at Hope Ranch. From helping maintain the grounds to physically supporting our riders, there are plenty of ways to get involved.
Check our calendar for the next Volunteer Orientation!
Ways to Volunteer
Barn Hands help with the upkeep of the stalls, tack up areas, tack rooms, and walkways. This includes mucking out stalls, cleaning and oiling tack, and scoopin’ poop.
Sidewalkers are an essential member of our lesson team. Sidewalkers walk along side the horse during a lesson to provide support to the rider if they need it. They are also responsible for the safety of the rider in an emergency situation.
A Leader is in charge of the horse during a lesson. In most cases, they will be in charge of directing the horse throughout the lesson and making sure to maintain control of the horse in an emergency situation.
We welcome large group volunteering projects out at the Ranch. We have large projects groups can assist with from building and painting things to regular large scale cleaning maintenance.