How do I sign up for lessons?
You can visit the programs page and click ‘Sign Up.’ You will be prompted to create an account in our Customer Portal and then request a lesson time.
A video how-to: How to Request a Lesson Time
Can we visit the Ranch before signing up?
Yes, you can call/email ahead and set up an appointment to tour the facility.
Is Financial Assistance available?
Realizing that families have differing abilities to pay, Hope Ranch will work with each family who requests a financial aid package. We ask that they complete the application and provide the prior year tax return for proof of income.
Where is Hope Ranch located?
We are located at 3715 W. 69th Avenue - just four miles west of Manhattan, Kansas.
How do I contact someone at Hope Ranch?
You can reach us by phone 24/7 during summer camp at 785-587-8180 or by email at coordinatormhk@hoperanchks.org
Does Hope Ranch accept insurance?
Hope Ranch is not a clinical facility and therefore cannot accept insurance. We do however offer financial assistance.
How do I know my rider will be safe?
We strive to meet or exceed all standards of health, safety, and program excellence. Our staff and volunteers go through a background check as well as an emergency training program.